Impresario Beauty Oils Africa |
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More about Impresario:
“We are a bulk manufacturer and distributor of cosmetic grade oil to the international beauty and personal care industries – the biggest private marula oil producer in the world and the first ever to have our supply chain Fair-for-Life certified.”
We believe the improvement of quality of life and it can be done by small increments like participating in socially and environmentally conscious investment like our Fair-for-Life projects. The strategy to uplift the wild harvesters and their families is of utmost importance as on average each of the harvesters have 5 or more dependents, meaning it is more lives that are impacted upon than just those of the wild harvesters.
We support the retainment of age-old cultural intellectual property and skills, like the traditional method of decorticating kernels by hand. No kernels are used from nuts that were mechanically opened.